Friday, April 5, 2013

I Haven't Eaten All Day!

To all you women who feel the need to let everyone know that you haven't eaten anything all day, as if that somehow makes everyone around you see you in a "skinner light." Well guess what sweetheart, you aren't doing your body any favors. In fact you are doing the exact opposite. You need to eat. Your body is thinking that it's starving so it's now to the point where basically eating itself. It's taking your fat that it has already stored and is using it as its source of protein and other nutrients it needs to survive. You're anorexic without knowing it (or do you?). You are lowering your metabolism and all in all basically killing yourself. Skinny really isn't worth being unhealthy.
So eat something small, have an apple for breakfast and some soup for lunch, you'll drop the necessary amount of pounds and stay healthy in the process. Just remember that the number on the scale doesn't dictate your "skinny ratio." As a matter of fact, just throw the scale out the window, especially if its causing you to stop eating.

Speaking of eating, I'm hungry!!!


  1. And if you're working out, the more you need to eat! I hate when people starve themselves and then aren't able to do a workout and complain they're "doing everything but seeing no results."
    Food is fuel. You need fuel to work out. It seems like common sense yet...

  2. People will use any excuse to not exersice to their full potential. People who starve themselves are just lazy in my opinion.
